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    The award-winning gamified behaviour change platform nudging teams to build EQ, wellbeing & psychological safety.




    Choose either 30+days programs curated by experts from our large evidence-based library of EQ & Wellbeing microactivities, or further customise for your teams. Start building daily habits and future-ready skills!

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    Subscribe now to the

    FUTURE THAT WORKS podcast and monthly newsletter on Emotional Intelligence

    Unleash You & Your Team's Potential

    (Available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts)

  • Mobile-First Platform with EQ Microactivities Library

    Customised or off-the-shelf 21st century skills

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    Fun & Engaging

    Real-time feedback for learner participation!

    Get points for every learner activity - quiz, poll, read, watch videos, reflect etc. The more your participate, the more points you earn, the higher you climb up the leaderboards to win prizes set by your company!


    Learners can share their insights and learn from each other.


    Learners also get bonus points for continuing their practice streak!!


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    Reward your learners for their participation

    Earn points and climb up the various leaderboards for:

    • Learning - watching short videos or reading blogs
    • Doing - practising by uploading images/videos (e.g. reflection exercises) or typing in text answers
    • Checking in - doing quizzes and polls which measures your knowledge, and collects your opinions
    We also offer as part of our on-boarding exercises how to re-imagine and align individual and team rewards to your leaderboards.
    Learners can also redeem their digital points by gifting to their fellow learners, as well as mechanisms to maintain their learderboard ranking.
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    21st century Skills & Delivery Mode

    Mindfulness/Focus + EQ

    The World Economic Forum Future of Jobs Report 2017 identified Emotional Intelligence as one of the two key skills we do not currently train for that is needed in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They also later identified made several recommendations which has been reflected in our approach:

    1. Modular learning programs that allow for rapid reskilling as skill demand evolves

    2. Microactivities to support a learning enabling corporate culture that rewards individual innovation and learning

    3. Microactivities that create direct opportunities for knowledge-sharing and intergenerational learning within the workplace.

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    Fully Customisable

    Your content or from our EQ library

    • Self-service platform to create your own gamified microlearning and micropractices journey
    • Extensive curated library of microlearning and micropractices for 21st century skill building.
    • Multi-lingual options available
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    VR/AR compatible for blended learning

    Points earned in mobile or VR/AR experiences are consolidated

    • We are the only microlearning platform that seamlessly integrates with any VR content.
    • All points and learner analytics from both mobile and VR/AR are aggregated for both the learner and the trainer
    • We help you focus on curating the experiences that is best optimised in VR/AR for behaviour change.
    • We have VR partners that have immersive experiences for Diversity & Inclusivity and Performance Management.
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    EQ Assessments

    • We have microassessments to ongoingly facilitate self-assessments 
    • We have assessment partners that can help you baseline and re-measure EQ and 21st century skills
  • 30/60/90 day challenges

    Evidence-based daily mobile microlearning and micropractices to unlock your agility, performance and wellbeing

    Contact us for a demo

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    Mindfulness & Focus

    You will learn why mindfulness can help you increase your focus and mental clarity, reduce stress, gain more mastery over emotional responses and improve interpersonal relationships.


    You will practice different mindfulness techniques that you can integrate into your day.

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    Growth Mindset, Resilience & Wellbeing

    Curated by Dr Kipling Walker (Organisational Psychiatrist) and Donus Loh (Psychologist)

    40% of workers reported their job was very or extremely stressful. Learning is difficult when workers are stressed.


    We help you do daily micropractices to increase your resilience, wellbeing and shift your mindset to a more open, growth mindset - ready for the training your workforce needs to be future ready.

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    You will learn how to and practice to be more curious, inclusive and empathic.


    You will also gain competence in having difficult conversations, as well as showing how vulnerability is a strength.


    Pre-requisite: Mindfulness & Focus

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    Inclusivity Beyond Unconscious Bias Training

    Short diversity training workshops have only a small effect in reducing unconscious bias.


    In this course, you will learn not just what are the unconscious cognitive biases we all have, and how to slow down your thinking and behaviour to mitigate agains these typically automatic behaviours.


    You will also learn how to help you team feel safe to ask a question, share an opinion or idea, and learn from mistakes.

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    Innovation Agility

    You will learn how to be more comfortable with being curious and experimental, and approach problem-solving experimentally. You will practice how to listen mindfully, by exploring solutions, test assumptions whilst managing your potential biases, and exercise a growth mindset when getting feedback from real users.


    You will also learn how to be more self-compassionate when you "fail', and how to manage your stress during uncertainty.

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    Building Trust & Psychological Safety

    You will learn how to be curious about others to build human to human connections. You will learn how to ask for feedback and give feedback constructively with heart.

    You will also learn how to acknowledge your own fallability, and to be aware of status/power differential, and to use levers like certainty, autonomy, relatedness and fairness to build trust.

  • Testimonials

    What some of our customers and partners say

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    Parveen Sandhu

    Instructional Designer, Corporate Trainer

    "As an instructional designer and emotional intelligence facilitator, I have had the wonderful opportunity of working with Play2Lead. Their mobile web app for individual and team learning related to emotional wellbeing are key tools for personal and workplace transformation today. Their leadership solutions are user-centric and designed for a smooth, engaging experience, fuelled with gamification elements. Content is curated and scaffolded meaningfully. Learning format is bite-sized and well-supported with micropractices that really help users build important 21st century skills "

    Learning Specialist at Surge Consulting | Certified Search Inside Yourself Facilitator

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    ONG Whee Teck



    "The Play2Lead program was very well received by our colleagues. Many reported increases in self-awareness and self-regulation and enjoyed the daily nudges to find better balance between work and self-care. It was inspiring to see the high participation levels. Activities in the program that were especially well received included the reframing of their negative thinking to more positive thinking, and the different self-care activities they undertook including new things they learnt during the Circuit Breaker."

    CEO of Temasek Management Services

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    Komala Pakirisamy

    Union President

    "Play2Lead has been a pleasure to work with to help us engage and prepare a segment of our workforce to help them re-skill as part of our Digital Transformation Intiative. Engagement for this mobile app was high and sustained through the pilot, and we were pleasantly surprised how open our participants were with sharing their challenges and how willing they were to build Resilience & Growth Mindset. We were also surprised how digitally savvy our participants who were mostly over 45. Even though this was only a 6 week intro, our self-assessment surveys indicated that there were improvements in both resilience and wellbeing. 100% signed up for technical courses so that they could be ready for new roles."

    President of Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore Staff Union (IRASSU)

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    Katriina Tahka

    Corporate Trainer & CEO

    "We selected Play2Lead to be our microlearning platform provider after scanning the market and finding that other products did not meet our specific program delivery needs. Since 2019 we have built and run our pilot sponsorship program and two successful programs on the Play2Lead platform.


    The key thing that stands out for us is Play2Lead's responsiveness and can-do attitude. Whenever we have questions or queries, we know that Theresa and her team will jump in and help us out...we're not technical experts and Play2Lead has been a pleasure to work with over the last 18 months, making our journey from concept to pilot and commercialisation much earlier than expected.

    Co-founder of Cultivate Sponsorship

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    Donus Loh

    Psychologist, Peak Performance Trainer & Consultant

    "I recognize the rigour by the Play2 Lead team in building Play2Lead’s content based on sound scientific research. This is assuring when I recommend to my clients a tool that they can independently engage in to grow healthily in mental well-being. Feedback has been positive especially from clients who have been working from home in the new normal environment. "

  • Case Studies & Use Cases

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    Mental & Emotional Intelligence

    Bite-sized activities to learn and practice how to reframe, be more self-compassionate, mindful breathing, gratitude etc.

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    Product Knowledge Training

    Engage & Measure Learning of Your Field Force!

    It can be quite expensive to bring together your sales force and channel partners to teach them about your latest products and solutions. So why not make it fun, leverage their natural competitive spirit and measure the uplift in product knowledge? You can even start measuring

    what your sales force know before your face-to-face training, as well as compare the knowledge levels of those that attended your face-to-face training with those that didn't or were relying on e-learning (which probably has low take-up rates). You can then focus your attention to the sales people that need the training most. Companies like Samsung have used our platform repeatedly to engage and measure learning for their field force.


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    Safety/Compliance Training

    Making BORING training FUN!!

    Boring compliance training is typically DEATH by Powerpoint. You can keep your participants awake by injecting pop quizzes throughout the session and rewarding them with prizes as they climb up the leaderboard. We also have Virtual Reality immersive training for Construction Site Safety and Warehouse Safety - Hazard Identification - fully integrated to our gamified mobile microlearning platform.

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    Beyond Unconscious Bias Training

    Bite-sized learning and practice activities to build your skills on mindfulness, empathy and compassion.

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    Leadership & Strategy Sessions

    Measure Buy-In & Get Real-time Feedback!

    Bringing your leadership team to get their buy-in on your strategy? Don't just TALK TO them about your strategy! Measure what they understand and motivate them to give real-time feedback (which can of course be anonymous)! Join companies likes Luxoticca and an Asian telco that has used Play2Lead at their leadership sessions.


    Oh...and talk to us also if you want to create a Virtual Reality content piece that helps your team immerse themselves in the future you are painting, not just imagine whilst you are showing videos/powerpoint. We can integrate the VR content engagement with our gamified learning platform.


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    Values-Based On-boarding/ Orientation Training

    Keep your new employees excited & aligned (NOT bored)!

    Mix up your on-boarding training with quick pop quizzes so that your new employees stay engaged during on-boarding training (which can feel like information overload)!


    And if you really want to shake things up, we have partners that can help you create a Virtual Reality content that will help your potential and new employees experience specific functions and geographies across your company. You won't need to have representatives from the different departments talk to the new recruits. Your new recruits can more easily connect with each other as they participate answering pop quizzes and polls during the training. More importantly, you can arm their team leader or manager with what the new recruit doesn't know so that they can bridge the knowledge gap quickly.


  • Customers and Awards

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    TOP 5 HRM Asia HRTech PitchFest 2020

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    1st & 2nd Prize Winner of in.LAB Innovation Challenge 2016

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    Winner of Mumbrella360 CrocPit 2015

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    Finalist in Seedstars Australia 2015

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    2018 Cohort

  • Helping Leaders Navigate Uncertainty, Build High Performing Teams and Innovate 

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    Evidence-based coaching practices + wide functional and global industry experience in both industry and startups.

    I offer evidence-based coaching and mentoring to support you to improve:

    • Solution-focused thinking and goal-orientation.
    • Psychological wellbeing: autonomy, self-acceptance, personal growth and purpose in life.

    I am one of the coaches in a recently published study of coaching entrepreneurs that improvements in cognition, wellbeing and performance (Hinkelmann, H., O’Connor, S. & Passmore, J. (2024) Coaching entrepreneurs towards growth: An experimental design study of coaching effectiveness for business leaders’ psychological capabilities, Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research & Practice, https://doi.org/10.1080/17521882.2024.2348449). Read about the research here.


    Theresa has been coaching early-stage start-up founders since 2018, bringing approximately 25 years of corporate and start-up experience supporting clients in finding business solutions. She creates safe spaces with clients to increase their self-awareness and uncover blind spots that support them to improve their wellbeing, manage increasing uncertainty, develop critical thinking skills to solve wicked problems.


    Theresa is the founder and CEO of Play2Lead, a gamified mobile behaviour change platform. Prior to becoming an executive coach and leading her third software start-up, Theresa led sales, marketing, and product/operations teams, as well as consulting teams at companies like Vodafone, Andersen, ThoughtWorks in Silicon Valley, Sydney, and Singapore. Having experienced the challenges of corporate team leaders and early-stage start-up founders, she has a deep understanding of what is needed to succeed and be an effective leader of intergenerational, cross-cultural, on-site/remote/hybrid teams.


    Theresa has recently completed the Masters in Coaching Psychology at the the University of Sydney. She has a Bachelor of Commerce and an MBA from the University of New South Wales. She is a scholarship holder of the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute program - a leading Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence program which originated at Google. Theresa is especially passionate about helping improve focus, resilience, inclusivity, psychological safety, and compassion in the workplace.


    Connect with Theresa via Linkedin.

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    "I feel that I can totally be honest with you and express all my emotions and thoughts without being judged. Great support coming from your business/managerial background. After the sessions I always felt energized and with clarity on what to do.” MD of global logistics and travel company.


    "I was recently in a position where I’d lost my way with my job and not only did I not know how to resolve it, I couldn’t really identify what the problem was. I found Theresa to be personable, smart and insightful. She provided astute feedback, tools and guidance which were all immensely valuable. But importantly, she created space where I could work through my own thinking. I developed a greater understanding of my strengths." COO of a fintech company who transitioned to COO of a media company.


    “Theresa is extremely passionate, energetic and dynamic. Her expertise in Tech and Mobile platforms is obvious and invaluable. She challenged us to think outside our typical paths of experience, pushing us into unknown and sometimes uncomfortable areas but with great motivation and guidance...” Co-Founder of Edtech Startup.


    “Theresa is a great listener who can help guide you through finding solutions to problems where you thought there might be none, or even highlighting a problem in a completely new angle.” CEO & Co-Founder of social impact startup. 


    "Theresa helps me think more deeply around each issue, and therefore modify my behaviour and thinking to get better results. I am more in control of my business and my team are enjoying a better boss. Theresa’s considered and thoughtful approach makes all the difference. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to improve their business and/or themselves.” CEO of a fintech company.


  • We're Hiring

    We're always on the lookout for passionate, entrepreneurial, balanced team players. If you are a software engineer, and our values below resonate with you, contact us - theresa@play2lead.co!


    Our stack consists of Javascript, React, NodeJS, PostSQL. Our main focus is on building a dynamic web platform for users on both desktop and mobile devices. At the right time, we will be building in machine learning and data analytics/visualization into our platform.

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    What we are looking for

    Passionate Engineers.

    Your ability in learning new technologies is way more important for us than years of experience with specific tech. However, as we are looking for core team members at this moment we are only considering candidates who can kick ass with tech not just play with it in free time. Our Tech Stack is Javascript/React/NodeJS/MongoDB.


    If you’re attracted to startups because you think you’ll cash out big soon, don’t bother applying. We want only passionate technologists who are truly out to better humanity. Our vision is to transform how employees learn so that learning is fun, measurable and impactful. Don’t bother applying if you don’t like working with corporate customers, or you don’t have a growth mindset. You actually care that what you are building solves the customers’ points, and you can empathise with them.

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    Fail Fast, but smart

    You take calculated risks and take responsibility when you make mistakes, and are comfortable failing fast and learning quickly from them. You must have a stomach for taking risks, which in a startup world, includes the uncomfortable feeling of doing something just to keep the lights on, but being mindful of the choice we made, and still having the focus on the overall vision.



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    We are looking for self-driven individuals who can plan their day and deliver on time with no reminders and nudging. You are comfortable with making decisions and balance what data you can get, speed required for the decision as well as your gut. You take responsibility for finding the balance you will need to sustain the rollercoaster journey that is the startup life.

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    Play, As a Team

    OK, I borrowed this one from Atlassian. As the CEO & Founder, I can be intense about delivering great products. But I also deeply care about people and relationships I build. I want my team to help me build the culture that reflects what we are building – I want us to always have FUN doing what we do, just as I want our customers to have fun learning. Whether you end up being the Lead Developer, the CTO or one of our talented engineers contributing to the team, you take pride in your work and sharing what you’re learning with your team. You also want to contribute to building the team culture and are always on the lookout for talent that may one day join our team.

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    Be the change you seek

    This one from Gandhi…which Atlassian borrowed;) Don’t bother applying if you’re the person who after a meeting wants someone to take notes and spoonfeeds you, or you’re the person that when something goes wrong, looks first at blaming others before looking at themselves for what you could have done differently. If you are the person who typically asks when you don’t understand something, then you might just be the right person for us. Are you the type of person when if you see something that doesn’t work, you have the courage and resourcefulness to make the change that you think is required?

  • Contact Us!


    Australia/Singapore: +61 414 207 066 (whatsapp)


    Singapore HQ: Play2Lead Pte Ltd., 250 North Bridge Road, #11-02
    Raffles City Tower, Singapore, 179101


    Mailing Address: 33 Ubi Avenue 3 #08-34 Tower B Vertex

    Singapore 408868



  • Connect With Us

    Get regular updates on the latest insights on EQ & Future of Work

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